🏎️Getting started


yarn yarn add urchin-web3-cms

or npm npm -i urchin-web3-cms

Note: This example below also requires solana/web3js and bs58 as dependencies

Create a simple blog template

import urchin from 'urchin-web3-cms';
import {Keypair, Signer} from "@solana/web3.js";
import bs58 from ‘bs58’;

const handler = async () => {
  // associate your wallet
  const payer = Keypair.fromSecretKey(
    bs58.decode("<funded solana wallet secret key as string>")

  // init the urchin object
  const cms = urchin(
        cluster: 'devnet'

  // create a template
  const cms.template.create([
      title: "blog post"
      taxonomies: [],
      inputs: [{label: "blog title", type: "string", validation: {type: "text", min: 1, max: 100}}]

  // publish to blockchain
  await cms.process()
  // retrieve all templates
  const r = await cms.template.getAll();
  console.log("Found templates: ", r);

Last updated